Since I grew up, not only in a Fundamental Baptist religion, but in a home where extensive teaching on Biblical principles was emphasized: much of this included seminars and programs such as IBLP (Institute in Basic Life Principles) and other rigorous Bible study programs. I have been introduced to this concept (and vocabulary) of authority very early on. If you have no idea what IBLP means, feel free to ask sometime, but for others, even the name conjures up frightening ideas of control and manipulation that arose in parts of this, particular institution. That is not what this article is about, but it is part of the reason I went through a period of “hanging up”, or turning away from Biblical doctrines associated with this institution and shied away from even the vocabulary associated with it. Vocabulary that included words such as, “umbrella of protection”, “submission”, “obedience” and others that are not bad or wrong in and of themselves, but certainly could be used in un-godly and destructive ways. I have seen, experienced and witnessed first hand the destructive nature of the manipulation and control that arises with limited knowledge of God and “The Truth” that seeks to dominate (or rule over) others in an Un-Godly way.

I say all of this simply to give some background on my own history of the subject and give you an idea of where some of the passion dealing with the topic comes from. I do also realize that for some who may be reading this, the topic of authority may be an offensive one for many reasons. I certainly empathize with many of those concerns.
Nevertheless, whether the idea, or vocabulary of Authority is offensive, or whether you, personally were abused, manipulated, or lied to concerning the idea of authority handed to you early on… you must (I had to) come to the conclusion that the reality of Authorities and how they function (and how we function in/under them) is paramount in understanding the deeper, and often spiritual nature of what affects us and also can control us.

We don’t war against “flesh and blood” but we wrestle against principalities, against powers, against Spiritual wickedness in high places, against the “rulers” of this world and of darkness…

Like the Bible states in Ephesians 6:1, We don’t war against “flesh and blood” but we wrestle against principalities, against powers, against Spiritual wickedness in high places, against the “rulers” of this world and of darkness
Much in this verse can be taken out of context, left to interpretation, confusing or made to fit all sorts of various scenarios…
I think careful examination and study of this verse (and others) can lead us to huge insights on the subject and I think everyone should do that. I can only offer my own insights on the matter and my own understanding and experience.
“Flesh and Blood” I often interpret to mean, the people around me, the physical difficulties we often face, where we’re going to live, maybe what food we have available… I think it also includes physical violence and military strength…
In physical “reality” these things may seem of utmost importance and could even occupy all our time, attention ad effort. However, if you hear what the writer (Paul) is trying to say to this body of believers, he is trying to make them aware of the fact that all these things are Not actually the problem. Actually they are just the symptoms. All of the physical problems had their root in spiritual realities that existed far before any of the physical “symptoms” materialized. In other words, “It happened (or happens) in the spiritual realm before it ever becomes a physical manifestation. “Scientific studies” or major news articles may try to tell you that the earth is over populated and running out of food and that’s why some countries are starving. The (ofttimes hidden) reality is that in these places there rules a spiritual bondage that keeps the people from having the freedom, desire or ability to properly cultivate and used the land and its resources or inhibits fruitful living. These spiritual “bondages” can be ideas, beliefs or ways of thinking that cause certain ways of living. They are not something that you can see (hence, not flesh and blood), yet the results they bare and the fruit (or lack of it) they bring is something that becomes physically evident. These “spiritual bondages” as I am calling them, are not something you can see, but they work like authority structures that rule over or dictate how people behave under their influence. One might say, these “demonic” influences produce areas with people who become like them. “Demonic” or “unclean spiritual” influences always lead to some form of destruction and death.
I realize that I am making a claim that I’m not attempting to prove in this, particular article (it would be too lengthy and time consuming…) but I have looks at various resources and articles and come to that conclusion through study (and of course beliefs) of my own. It’s definitely worth looking into!
In my belief and experience, If you try to move from one jurisdiction to another, particularly from certain religious beliefs to following a different belief system, you may discover a myriad of walls and adversaries that you were previously unaware of. Some people really are naïve enough to think they have the ability to make all their own decisions and run their own lives or decide their own fate. It is a delusion that the “Prince of this World” (and yes, there truly is one) would happily allow you to remain in. However, if you decide to step out into True Freedom or walk away from previous bonds or previous “owners”, you will see how quickly they will flare up in protest!
I don’t want to seem too vague or metaphorical, but I think we all know (at least a little) what some of these are: doctrines that are against God’s Word or against His character, Familiar Spirits that feed us lies so we continue to be held under their influence, Church dogmas that take the place of True relationship with the Father etc. Those all sound legit, but the battles that we lose and the beliefs that we exchange for Truth, can begin to form bondages that become dear and familiar to us while freedom, which leads to life, appears scary or foreign. That’s just one part of one way bondages can become commonplace or acceptable. It get’s “touchy” when what we grew up eating is something that was never intended by our creator for us to consume, or when someone shows us “love” through something that will ultimately lead to death… or hurt us. (so many strange twists and degrees in this area) It gets really hard if we are challenged with a “truth” that will make things inconvenient for us or cost us. Much of this could go into the category of Reaping what we Sow, but often, getting where we want to be in the future must mean cultivating and planting, seasons before… and the most seemingly innocent doctrine accepted and planted today, could mean dastardly results in future seasons.

battles that we lose and the beliefs that we exchange for Truth, can begin to form bondages that become dear and familiar to us while freedom, which leads to life, appears scary or foreign.

In the area of health, a few of the things I’ve seen are bondages in the area of food or drink, beliefs that certain lifestyles or traditions/pastimes make us special or give us value can cause us to be a slave to them even if we dislike them or find them distasteful. Pursuing instant (or temporary) comfort or pleasure rather than cultivating a desire for what is good and sometimes simply lacking the right information and applying the right principles (which would be according to design) can all lead to health problems that develop into debilitating issues. I do not believe there are quick, instant fixes in the area of health…or life… as I see it rather as a choosing of ways that lead to “Life” or ways that lead to death, that grow over time. Our creator is forever merciful, though, and if you are still alive and breathing, I believe change is possible!
Over the generations, our understanding of truth and the way we follow God becomes blurred by ideas, traditions and values of people around us. None of us are perfect or have all the knowledge or understanding, but what we have been given can often get taken from us (usually voluntarily) because of deception, fear, or just wanting to be like people around us who have something we want. All the things, like peer pressure, desire for wealth or prestige, fear of losing control of our own lives, or getting in trouble, or death, or hardship or a huge number of things… (literally, the number of things we can fear is limitless) These are just some of the infinite number of reasons for giving up our power to choose good.

Now, notice I didn’t (and I can’t) say that bondage is defined as something that makes us feel unhappy, makes us uncomfortable, or even something that steals our dreams and passions… Bondage can actually do all those things, but it cannot be defined as any of those things, because bondage has everything to do with who you are a slave to. As I addressed earlier in this post, the idea that you could, or should be a slave only to yourself, would have to follow the fact that you are your own boss, creator, dictator… God. This is a super, super touchy subject, and I may go farther than some in saying that, in many ways, we are gods (or like gods) in the sense that we were made in the image of God and have the ability, ourselves, to create, cultivate, decide our own fate, determine our own direction and “reap what we sow”.

Bondage has everything to do with who you are a slave to

But do we do this as true children of the most high? Or do we do this as rebellious, self-seeking, wayward children who pursue life away from Father/Creator, against His character or desire and in opposition to His ways?
In very practical, realistic terms, can you decide how you were made? Did you create the earth or determine the way it functions? Can you break the laws of the universe or defy the Word of Life and it not negatively affect you?
I truly do believe that our God created us with the ability to create and innovate in the most amazing way with seemingly endless growth and possibilities! But not outside of His expressed design.
True Freedom comes in knowing who our God truly is and who we ought to be as a result. (Remember we become like what we worship/serve) True Freedom comes when you are able to find the paths of life and dwell in them, fully! Bondage can come in a package designed to look like freedom, happiness, life, goodness… and all the other unlimited number of realities that come from (literally emanate from) The Father.

I don’t think you will find more sickness and death, than any place that has forsaken the Truth of Almighty God for some tradition or doctrine of man, or demon. Whether that place is a parlor, an asylum, an organization, a church or an individual.
We can pray all we want to a God that we say we worship and follow, while in reality we are still allowing ourselves to be slaves of other masters. These “other masters” we run to for prestige or comfort. We wonder why our relationships are ruined, our bodies are sick, our souls dead. In our desperation or despairing we turn our blame on the giver of life, we make judgements against His Word, we say, “He ordains sickness and death for some due to His mysterious Will”, “He lacks the ability to provide and protect.” “God must be silent.” “He must be distant.” “He must lack the power He once had.” “He no longer shows mercy or is gracious to His children.” “He cannot know of what I suffer.” “He no longer…” “He cannot…”
If there is a “He cannot” it is because we took ourselves out from the provision of His care and turned to another. From the authority of God who forces himself on no one… but beckons all to hear His voice today.
Dear reader, I realize I’m making some extreme claims in this post that may seem confusing, but I truly believe that every form of bondage comes from leaving the true essence of who the father is and aligning with “another truth”. I believe you can be religious and even think you are following the “truth” while being far from the Father and His Ways. Some of this ground that was taken from us, is ground that was given up by our fathers (ancestors), sometimes many generations back. Truth must be established (grabbed hold of) in every generation or it will be taken from us.
This is a generation in which The Father is unveiling truth: indeed He is unveiling Himself. We can no longer rely on our fathers to dictate for us what truth is based on widely held belief, passed along doctrines or traditions. We MUST learn to hear the voice of our Father to us by the power and revelation of His Holy Spirit.

every form of bondage comes from leaving the true essence of who the father is and aligning with “another truth”

I am so excited about what the father is doing in these days! My prayer, constantly, is for our Heavenly Father to continue to guide, direct, heal and empower his people! The secret to following The Father and His Son, our Messiah, I truly believe lies in recognizing and aligning with the voice of The Holy Spirit. That, though is a huge topic I truly want to expand on in another article…

The main intent of this article is to bring realization to the fact that authorities and spiritual influences have more power than we may realize and they have everything to do with the physical issues and problems that we are now facing. Try to fix a physical problem with a physical solution and you may find some superficial relief. Fix the underlying spiritual disconnect and you will be restored to life in a complete, wholistic way that nurtures and renews every part of the soul and body!

May you be blessed indeed, and if you found this article interesting, please feel free to comment or reach out.

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