A Dr. appointment @ University of Michigan along with a chastisement from my husband (I think, friendly reminder in his eyes) at home, all centered around Covid screening, nose swabbing & PCR testing, has caused me a sleepness night (but it could also be the steroid shot recieved earlier). Regardless, here I am, talking incessantly about the subject in my head and feeling the need to get up (cause there’s no sleep happening here!) and at least write it down on paper… This was two nights ago now, and is the reason for this long post now. lol So, if you’d like to hear me rant about what was troubling me and see a little inside my head, and my day, keep reading…

Tues. Feb. 8th
Today I took Abby (my daughter of 14) with me to University of Michigan for an Ultrasound (central artery doppler brain scan), and was hoping it would be a quick appointment and we would be able to do a goodwill drop off and some shopping after. But, the doppler readings were extraordinarily high and prompted the Dr. to come in and talk to me about the procedures that they recommend take place later that week. They recommended (again, since the last time we declined after the doppler reading miraculously lowered into normal range last Tuesday) that I get two steroid (Betamethasone) shots, beginning that day to speed up lung development. After a call to my husband, Micah, trying to explain everything the Dr. was saying and believing that we probably should, based on the high likelihood he would be delivered early, even if everything went well during the Intra-uterine blood transfusion (while we are still hoping that it doesn’t become necessary, the possibility seems to be likely). I decided to go ahead and get the first shot that day and come back the next for the other. While there, I was supposed to also have blood work to be sure a proper match for transfusion (apparently this can change or be affected in a short time and so they want blood re-drawn within 72 hr. -I think it was- of the procedure date). I was also supposed to get a COVID screening test. Now, I know the futility of the test and consider it utterly useless (maybe even harmful?) I didn’t want to make a huge issue out of it, and considered it not worth becoming a nuisance or difficult patient or delaying any necessary procedures over.

Abby and I at U of M

However, far worse to me than any “inconvenience” etc. of the wretched test was the tongue-lashing expository I received from my husband later that evening. As though there was anything he could inform me of that I didn’t already know about not needing the test (which I already knew) and him feeling the need to take out his disappointment (or outrage) on me hurt more than the shots, swipes or blood draws… He didn’t mean it to be hurtful, I know. He really feels the need to “educate” me, I suppose, about things I clearly must not be properly informed of… I was just rather done by that point and needed peace and support from him, not outrage.

Anyway, now, here I am. It is twenty after midnight and I cannot sleep! I just keep having conversations in my head with Doctors and practitioners, who aren’t there, rehearsing what maybe I should say (or should’ve said) and most likely will never get the chance to (or maybe am not supposed to) about all the reasons the PCR test isn’t viable or trustworthy…and how and why viruses don’t even exist!
So, here I am throwing out data and touting information to people who aren’t there (except in my head) and thinking: “What a waste of effort!” Perhaps if I can at least get some of this out of my head and unto paper, I’ll be able to go to sleep!

This is what the chatter sounded like:
The PCR test cannot test accurately (or at all) for the presence of any virus because:
#1 No such Virus Exists… or ever has.
The PCR test has been used to “confirm” or “prove” the existence of these invisible, non-existent entities in AIDS patients, which they named HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), in Polio patients, Hepatitis C patients, Influenza, RSV and so many more!
While I’ve had my ever growing doubts about the reality of viruses: especially as the media portrays them, the book, Virus Mania contains documented and historical proof of what really causes the diseases pinned on viruses and the truth about the hazards of the created treatment, which earned the companies that produced and manufactured them billions of dollars.

To this day, no one has ever seen, isolated or documented an actual “virus”. The only thing ever observed by virologists, microbiologists or scientists are fragments of damaged DNA or RNA from diseased tissue. These are what is fed a PCR program which is supposed to piece together these fragments and determine if it is enough of the right sequencing to constitute what it has been told is a virus. From my understanding of how PCR works, it would make sense that anyone who is sick, has diseased tissue or cells or is producing offset of these damaged DNA fragments would likely test positive: for any number of viruses. But it doesn’t seem to be consistent even in this. Even so, this is the only tool available to try and detect or confirms the presence of these viruses.
Yet, HIV was blasted on wide forums on media platforms, all while ignoring the overwhelming correlation to drugs which caused auto-immune disease and the very symptoms seen in AIDS.
We now know what actually caused polio, and it was poisoning (led, pesticides: literally designed to cause neurological dysfunction, only not in humans… supposedly)
Those with liver disease blamed on the Hep. C Virus, were showing signs typical of the chronic alcohol abuse and or drug use that was a factor in over 90% of cases following deterioration of the liver and had nothing to do with a virus.
Again, the PCR test concluded some who were asymptomatic and upon refusing treatment never developed the correlating symptoms, while others, testing positive and going the “treatment” route developed symptoms that led to liver deterioration. Again, chronic alcoholism and drug use, which correlated exactly to these symptoms wee ignored and blamed on the Hep. C virus.
These are only a few of the Virus-blamed “pandemics” which created massive fear in an entity which had nothing to do with the actual cause of disease, and the conjured “cure” did nothing to provide protection and healing and often produced the very symptoms it was supposed to prevent.
It is the same story with trying to blame a SARS virus (or any of the many, so-called corona viruses) which has been blamed as the “cause” of nearly every sickness and disease the last couple years (stretching way beyond respiratory).
Bombardment of Electromagnetic, sound and multiple other distortion of waves (frequencies) brought by the incorporation of technology into nearly every part of our natural lives, toxins sprayed in the air and on our food and soil, unnaturally fabricated chemicals, toxins and foreign material and DNA all around us and being injected directly into us! (and let’s not ignore the metallic and “intelligent” nano-particles accumulating in the frontal cortex of our brains, and certainly other organs and tissues of the body) among other things… It’s a miracle our amazing bodies are able to cope with so much defilement and here we are, yet again, touting as “safe and effective” some of the Most toxic substances man has known… History is not only repeating itself, it’s compounding.

These are some truths that I hope will reach far and wide, and lead many back to The Truth! The Truths about returning to original design and function and eliminating the harmful substances and corrupt information (literal and physical as well as spiritual) from our lives and from our world.
I doubt I will get the chance to say much, if any, of this to the medical staff at U of M, but I pray that my testimony and words that are said would be glorifying to my God and salt and light to those around me. The Heavenly Father is bringing darkness out into the light and uncovering mounds of truth for anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear. I have learned to rest in His Ways and trust Him for the outcome and what I see unfolding is so beyond me and my capabilities of making happen.

Thank you for listening/ reading. This was a way for me to both get out in the open some things that have been on my mind and chest (metaphorically speaking) and also a way for me to sort through and document this time.

Tomorrow (Friday), we go in early for renewed Doppler scans and possible transfusion in the operating room. We are un-endingly thankful for all the love, support and prayers we have received! I will be sure to create an update for however that turns out. Thank you, and love you all <3

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