I could write several posts on epiphany moments in the world of natural (versus mainstream etc.) health and you will probably see several on my website… but this one is about the time (many years back now) where I was hoping for a new moisturizer to use on my face. I have always been pretty selective about what I put on my body, but especially what I put on my face and at that time I had a favorite brand of moisturizer I would use in the morning, especially before applying any makeup and before bed and it was gone! I thought I might try google to search for something new, and to see what sort of products were on the market. I was also heavily interested in belly creams for stretch marks as I had been pregnant for twins, and my belly had gotten stretched to the limits! lol

I was so disappointed at what I saw! I was in another company at the time that was very health focused and toxin conscious and I was looking at page after page of heavily advertised and very expensive skin products that were laden with all sorts of toxic chemicals! They all contained some ingredient popular for it’s “anti-aging” benefits, like Hyaluronic acid etc. and at the same time contained preservatives like Peg-80 or sulfates and even some ingredients that I knew were harmful to the skin!

Well, the point of this article is not to name all the AWFUL ingredients or attack other products as it is to proclaim the TRUTH that we really don’t need all those ingredients or use an expensive product that is proposed to have some benefit while compromising our skin or health in other areas. It’s amazing to me that this ever needed to be a revelation for me, but it was! It was a slow journey out of a mindset that involved unnecessary compromise and the realization that simple, all-natural goodness was actually not “just as”, but more powerful than the heavily manufactured products. I have been making and using my own creams and salves for years now and I can attest, through experience, that using natural has served me well and prevented so many other issues! Even the burn I would often experience after using my other “natural” moisturizers (likely due to the alcohol) was no longer an issue and my skin thanked me.

Now, it is my passion to create all-natural goodness to share with others!

2 Responses

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for asking!
      This is my favorite moisturizer:

      I have been making my own creams/moisturizers/balms for a few years now and have also made for friends and family… Have got the best reviews!
      I don’t use anything else now.
      I have just this year started to sell in my Etsy shop.
      You can check it out here!

      If the link doesn’t work, you can look me up on Facebook or Instagram @ Rachel Davis Banura or Banura Beauty Products.
      I haven’t sent much info through web site email so I’m not sure how well it will work.
      I will send you an email today to your inbox with links you can click (that may be easiest).
      Best wishes to you 🙂

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